The David Dance (2014)
Title: The David Dance
Release Date: 2014-03-08
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 108 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The David Dance full movie for free. Released in 2014, The David Dance movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Away from the microphone, David is soft spoken, shy and unsure of himself. However, as his on-air alias ‘Danger Dave,’ the host of “Gay Talk,” he’s poised, witty, and every listener’s best friend. His sister, Kate, a thrice divorced banker has a yen for Schumann and cats. Though successful, the siblings suffer from a secret, yet vast, sense of inadequacy. Kate decides to adopt and asks David to be a father figure. David gawkily romances his coworker. Past and present intertwine to tell the story of a man learning to love and accept himself.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The David Dance a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Don Scimé, Guy Adkins, Antoinette LaVecchia, Jordan Baker, Tonye Patano, Juju Stulbach, Lauren Lopes, Faith Sheehan, Joseph Westphal, Eileen Woods
Don Scimé, Aprill Winney, Brette Goldstein, Jake Monaco, Brian Rzepka, Lee-Anthony Holloway, Jaxon Woods, Kaet McAnneny, Marc Jackson, Stephani Lewis, Rob L. Hubbard, Ian McGlocklin, Joseph Ciccarella, Tim Korn, Joshua D. Comen, Joshua Dreyfus
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