Far from the Trees (1972)

Far from the Trees

Title: Far from the Trees

Release Date: 1972-05-19

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 100 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Far from the Trees full movie for free. Released in 1972, Far from the Trees movie was made with a budget of $9,217 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

An unprejudiced portrait of Spanish folklore and a crude analysis in black and white of its intimate relationship with atavism and superstition, with violence and pain, with blood and death; a story of terror, a journey to the most sinister and ancestral Spain; the one that lived far from the most visited tourist destinations, from the economic miracle and unstoppable progress, relentlessly promoted by the Franco regime during the sixties.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Far from the Trees a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Luis González Seara, Manuel Cano, Marta Mejías, Antonio Gades, Antonio 'Chamaco' Borrero, Manuel Benítez el Cordobés


Luis González Seara, Ramón Quadreny, Jacinto Esteva, Jacinto Esteva, Carlos Durán, Juan Luis Oliver, Manuel Esteban, Francisco Ruiz Camps, Johnny Galvão, Emilio Ortiz, María Dolores Pérez Pueyo, Ricardo Muñoz Suay, José Planas, Oriol Maspons, Ana Settimo, Blas Martí, Carlos Maleras, Pere Portabella, Marco Rossi, Rafael Azcona, Luis Ciges, José María Nunes, Joaquín Pujol, Milton Stefani, Juan Julio Baena, Juan Amorós, Luis Cuadrado, Francisco Marín

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franco regime (francoism), matador (bullfighter), anthropology, religious cult, animal cruelty, popular festivity, spanish folklore

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