Father Brown, Detective (1934)
Title: Father Brown, Detective
Release Date: 1934-12-14
Genres: Crime, Mystery
Runtime: 68 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Father Brown, Detective full movie for free. Released in 1934, Father Brown, Detective movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After notorious jewel thief Flambeau meets Evelyn Fischer during a raid on a casino, he falls deeply in love with her. Later Flambeau sends notes to both Leopold Fischer, who unknown to him is Evelyn's uncle, and Father Brown, in which he vows he will steal from them the ten diamonds that comprise the "Flying Star." Flambeau intends to give these diamonds to Evelyn. Father Brown, whose gold cross contains some of the Flying Star diamonds, is determined to meet Flambeau before he is arrested, to reform and redeem his soul.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Father Brown, Detective a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Walter Connolly, Paul Lukas, Gertrude Michael, Robert Loraine, Halliwell Hobbes, Una O'Connor, E. E. Clive, Donald Gray
C. Gardner Sullivan, Edward Sedgwick, Henry Myers, Gilbert Keith Chesterton
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