Beloved Sisters (2014)
Title: Beloved Sisters
Release Date: 2014-07-31
Genres: Romance, Drama, History
Runtime: 180 minutes
Status: Released
The secret story of Schiller's passion.
Watch Beloved Sisters full movie for free. Released in 2014, Beloved Sisters movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A love triangle forms between post-Enlightenment writer Friedrich Schiller and two sisters -- one who became his wife, and the other, his biographer.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Beloved Sisters a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Hannah Herzsprung, Florian Stetter, Henriette Confurius, Ronald Zehrfeld, Claudia Messner, Maja Maranow, Michael Wittenborn, Andreas Pietschmann, Anne Schäfer, Peter Schneider, Thomas Kornack, Klaus Lehmann, Philipp Oehme, Eli Wasserscheid, Christine Zart, Wolf Dietrich Rammler, Joachim Kappl, Bernhard Conrad, Peter Rauch, Hans Bayer, Karlheinz Angermeyer, Birgit Euting, Horst-Peter Kirchner, Ilse Amberger-Bendin, Heinrich Cuipers, Jörg-Uwe Schröder, Julischka Eichel, Philipp Otto, Ella Gaiser, Günter Kurze, Frederike Schinzler, Eva-Maria Hofmann, Götz Otto
Dominik Graf, Dominik Graf, Grigoriy Dobrygin, Verena Popp, Marillo Ricken, Heinrich Mis, Karimah El-Giamal, Florian van Volxem, Ismael Feichtl, An Dorthe Braker, Michael Hild, Michael Katz, Veit Heiduschka, Thomas Göldner, Claus-Jürgen Pfeiffer, Barbara Grupp, Uschi Reich, Sven Rossenbach, Barbara Buhl, Katja Kirchen, Bernd Krause, Bettina Ricklefs, Andreas Schreitmüller, Michael Wiesweg, Helga Sasse, Claudia Wolscht, Tina Hechinger
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love triangle, writer, aristocrat, 18th century