Jamie Marks Is Dead (2014)

Jamie Marks Is Dead

Title: Jamie Marks Is Dead

Release Date: 2014-07-28

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Runtime: 101 minutes

Status: Released


How far would you go to be remembered?

Watch Jamie Marks Is Dead full movie for free. Released in 2014, Jamie Marks Is Dead movie was made with a budget of $2,200,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

No one seemed to care about Jamie Marks until after his death. Hoping to find the love and friendship he never had in life, Jamie’s ghost visits former classmate Adam McCormick, drawing him into the bleak world between the living and the dead.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Jamie Marks Is Dead a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Noah Silver, Cameron Monaghan, Morgan Saylor, Brett DelBuono, Fred Tolliver Jr., Ronen Rubinstein, Ryan Munzert, Connor Antico, Adrian Enscoe, Andrew Polk, Lizzy DeClement, Liv Tyler, Judy Greer, Jordyn DiNatale, Erin Wilhelmi, Maryann Urbano, Peter Pamela Rose, Madisen Beaty, Sho Suzuki, Barbara Collins, Jason Capuano, Austin Gelfman, Nadia Alexander


Carter Smith, Carter Smith, Darren Lew, Alex Orlovsky, Jacob Jaffke, Omri Bezalel, Hunter Gray, Christopher Barzak, Amy Williams, Rachel Dainer-Best, Eric Nagy, Zorinah Juan-Lieber, François-Eudes Chanfrault, Anthony Vincent, Rachel Schnipper, Laura Rosenthal, Nora Mendis, Michael S. Chandler, Marcelo Gandola, John Logan, Jacob Jaffke, Nico Barnes, Dawn Cullen Jonas, Mike Potter, Alex Schwerin, Neal Jonas, Stefanie Flores, Hezi Bezalel, Ivy Ermert, Timothy Cobb Passarella, Stephen Troy, Nicole Bridgeford, Mike Lau, Bohdan Bushell, Andrew Flowers, T.J. Alston, Laura Mac, Matt Marks, Trace Henderson, Steven Jos Phan, John Shim, Jim Dobson, Jonathan Podwil, William J. Holden, Michael W. Gray, Jodi Angstreich, Nicole Bridgeford, Jurgen Beneke, Zeke Dunn, George Fernandez, Brandon Sumner, Trace Henderson, Cindy Tolan, Ben Roosevelt, Rose Ganguzza, Mariusz Kubicki, Cindy Bagby, Christopher Menges, Keagan Fuller, Teddy Schenck, Nick Perron-Siegel, Maribeth Fox, Michael S. Chandler, Micaela Carolan, Nick Dyball, Jackie Goncalves, Alisha Wetherill, Eric Fahy, Keagan Fuller, Cynthia Chou

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