Hold Fast (2013)
Title: Hold Fast
Release Date: 2013-07-01
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 94 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Hold Fast full movie for free. Released in 2013, Hold Fast movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Two teenage boys escape an unhappy home, embarking on a perilous journey of self-discovery that takes them deep into the Newfoundland wilderness.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hold Fast a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Avery Ash, Mike Daly, Liam Dawson, Jane Dingle, Aiden Flynn, Mack Furlong, Dawson Hiscock, Molly Parker, Andy Jones, Des Walsh
Justin Simms, Rosemary House, Shirley Barrie, Kevin Major, Andrea Cooper, Bryan Gliserman, Judy Holm, Rosemary House, Michael McNamara, Charlotte Mickie, Mark Bragg, Chris Darlington, Catherine Lutes, Shelley Cornick, Jenn Brown, Kelly Warren, Mackenzie Geehan, Daphne Thomas, Daphne Thomas, Stéphanie Chapelle, Crystal Dawn Parsons, Elizabeth Young, Shannon Hawes, Terry Stone, Andrew Winter, Matthew Anthony, Kelly Byrd, Tom Marx, Mary Sexton, Jordan Canning, Charles Tomlinson, Rhonda Buckley, Jill Knox-Gosse, G. Patrick Condon, Jan Dutton, Jim Fleming, Tara Fleming, Adrian Saywell, Hilary Thomson, Gord Ventura, Janine Rice, Heather Power, Emma Housser, Crystal Dawn Parsons, James Sled, Darren Ivany, Andy Pyne, Paul Wade, Glenn Barrett, Tara Fleming, Berni Gollop, Philip Cairns, Lori Clarke, Marco Dölle, Mark Neary, Mark Neary, Paul Steffler, Geoff Younghusband, Jason Andrews, Timothy Best, Andrea Cooper, Sean Doran, Zoe Dempster, Duncan De Young, Aaron Elliott, Herb Gibbons, Jason Hamel, Micah Martin, Mark O'Neill, Justin Simms, Susan Morrissey Wyse, Alona Power, Rhonda Pelley, Steve McCarthy, Barry King, Sam Pryce-Phillips, Jamie Miller, Greg Thomas
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coming of age, orphan, leaving home, running away, parents killed, cousins