Lay Down Your Arms! (1914)
Title: Lay Down Your Arms!
Release Date: 1914-08-14
Genres: Drama, War
Runtime: 68 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Lay Down Your Arms! full movie for free. Released in 1914, Lay Down Your Arms! movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Martha, a war widow, finds a new zest for life when she meets the noble Captain von Tilling. They marry, but before long he, too, is called to war. In his absence, Martha falls into a depression and is hospitalised. Sick with longing and learning that her banking firm has gone belly-up, she leaves the hospital and takes a train to the battlefield to find her husband. (
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Lay Down Your Arms! a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Philip Bech, Oluf Billesborg, Augusta Blad, Alf Blütecher, Ellen Ferslev, Johanne Fritz-Petersen, Olaf Fønss, Frederik Jacobsen, Dagmar Kofoed, Carl Lauritzen, Axel Mattson, Ingeborg Olsen, Preben J. Rist, Birger von Cotta-Schønberg, Maria Widal, Bertha von Suttner
Carl Theodor Dreyer, Holger-Madsen, Bertha von Suttner, Marius Clausen
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