Maria Mariana (1996)
Title: Maria Mariana
Release Date: 1996-04-17
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 105 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Maria Mariana full movie for free. Released in 1996, Maria Mariana movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Maria and Mariana are sisters but they are poles apart. Mariana is wild while her elder sister is moderate and take great interest in her education and career. When they become adults, Maria joins the police force while Mariana remains the same. However, Jefri’s presence changes Mariana’s life. But her disappointment, Jefri chooses to marry Maria instead of her. Tony and Robert, leaders of criminals gang which Maria is trying to smash, kidnap Mariana. The ever responsible Maria risks her own life to save her sister.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Maria Mariana a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Erra Fazira, Ziana Zain, Edika Yusof, Roy Azman, Noraini Hashim, Kenji Sawahii, A. Galak, Shaharon Anuar, Jesslyn, T.S Jeffry, Dato' Hj Aziz Singah, Abby Abadi
Yusof Haslam
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