Land of the Lost Jewels (1950)
Title: Land of the Lost Jewels
Release Date: 1950-01-06
Genres: Animation
Runtime: 8 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Land of the Lost Jewels full movie for free. Released in 1950, Land of the Lost Jewels movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Two children are fishing when they catch a talking fish named Red Lantern. He takes them underwater with him to the Land of the Lost, where missing items can be found again. They meet King Find All, a walrus, and a singing cricket (Hoppy-Go-Lucky) that used to be the girl's pin. He's deemed to be a special jewel (since he's made of emerald) and is brought to the jewel storage room, despite his wishes to be in the Land of the Toys...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Land of the Lost Jewels a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Jackson Beck, Mae Questel, Cecil Roy
Izzy Sparber, Isabel Manning Hewson, Bill Turner, Larry Riley, Winston Sharples, Anton Loeb, Myron Waldman, Gordon Whittier
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