Tone (1970)


Title: Tone

Release Date: 1970-08-02

Genres: Drama, Music

Runtime: 0 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Tone full movie for free. Released in 1970, Tone movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Tone is the Thai equivalent of a 1960s youth rebellion movie, which is to say that there's no youth rebellion in it at all: Just good kids being good, dancing sedately, trying to get into good schools, drinking punch, bowling, and settling their romantic differences in the most clear-headed and amicable way possible -- even if they do so while wearing some seriously funky period clothes and listening to that crazy longhair music. Fortunately, there are also some vicious underworld characters on hand so that we can still have the traditional Thai movie finale in which the Thai police show up en masse to shoot the hell out of some people.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Tone a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Chaiya Suriyun, Sayun Juntawiboon, Jaruwan Panyopas, Ruj Ronapop, Sahat Piempongsan, Sangthong Seesai, Pipop Pupinyo, Aranya Namwong


Somboonsuk Niyomsiri, Somboonsuk Niyomsiri, Somboonsuk Niyomsiri, Sanit Rujirattrakul, มนัส โตเพราญาติ, Poonsawat Teemakorn

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musician, swinging 60s

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