Baby Brother (1927)

Baby Brother

Title: Baby Brother

Release Date: 1927-06-26

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 20 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Baby Brother full movie for free. Released in 1927, Baby Brother movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Joe Cobb is a wealthy child who longs for a baby brother. His nursemaid takes him to the other side where he meets some kids his age (the rest of Our Gang) where Joe offers three dollars for a baby. Farina finds a fellow African-American neighbor woman who lets him mind her infant which he then paints white and sells to Joe. The rest of the gang has set an assembly-line system that washes, dries, rocks, and feeds male and female babies.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Baby Brother a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Joe Cobb, Jackie Condon, Jean Darling, Allen 'Farina' Hoskins, Jannie Hoskins, Bobby 'Wheezer' Hutchins, Scooter Lowry, Harry Earles, Anita Garvin, Ben Hall, Oliver Hardy, Mildred Kornman, Jay R. Smith, Richard Smith, Robert Smith, Lyle Tayo, S.D. Wilcox, Clifton Young, Dave Monahan, Symona Boniface, Ed Brandenburg


Charles Oelze, Robert A. McGowan, Hal Roach

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silent film, short film

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