Long John Silver (1954)
Title: Long John Silver
Release Date: 1954-12-16
Genres: Adventure, Action
Runtime: 106 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Long John Silver full movie for free. Released in 1954, Long John Silver movie was made with a budget of $1,000,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In this sequel to Treasure Island, Long John hopes to rescue his friend Jim from a rival pirate and return for more treasure.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Long John Silver a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Robert Newton, Connie Gilchrist, Lloyd Berrell, Grant Taylor, Rod Taylor, Harvey Adams, Muriel Steinbeck, Henry Gilbert, John Brunskill, Eric Reiman, Harry Hambleton, Syd Chambers, George Simpson-Lyttle, Tony Arpino, Al Thomas, Thora Smith, Billy Kay, Hans Stern, Don McNiven, Elwyn Daniel, Charles McCallum, John Pooley, Frants Folmer, Nicki Martino, Kit Taylor, Vladislaus Leonidis, Owen Weingott, Fred Goddard, Jeffrey Bradley, John Llewellyn, James Workman, Kevin Healy
Byron Haskin, Joe Kaufmann, Mark Evans, David Buttolph, Martin Rackin
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pirate gang, pirate, pirate ship, treasure island