TwentyFourSeven (1997)


Title: TwentyFourSeven

Release Date: 1997-08-31

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 96 minutes

Status: Released


Watch TwentyFourSeven full movie for free. Released in 1997, TwentyFourSeven movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

In a typical English working-class town, the juveniles have nothing more to do than hang around in gangs. One day, Alan Darcy, a highly motivated man with the same kind of youth experience, starts trying to get the young people off the street and into doing something they can believe in: Boxing. Darcy opens a boxing club, aiming to bring the rival gangs together.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made TwentyFourSeven a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Bob Hoskins, Danny Nussbaum, Bruce Jones, Annette Badland, Frank Harper, Darren O. Campbell, Karl Collins, Justin Brady, Jimmy Hynd, Johann Myers, James Corden, Mat Hand, James Hooton, Pamela Cundell, Sarah Thom, Sammy Pasha, Gina Aris, Ladene Hall, Anthony Clarke, Maureen O'Grady, Jo Bell, Dena Smiles, Darren Campbell, Krishan Beresford, Sun Hand, Tanya Myers, Tony Nyland, Paul Fraser, Shane Meadows, Collin Higgins


Shane Meadows, Shane Meadows, Paul Fraser, Boo Hewerdine, William Diver, Abi Cohen, George Faber, Sally French, Imogen West, Ashley Rowe, John Paul Kelly, Niall Moroney, Astrid Sieben, Philip Crichton, Tapio Salmi, Pebbles, Vincent Keane, Nik Powell, David M. Thompson, Stephen Woolley, Brian Bird

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transporter, sports, friends, youth gang, nottingham, boxing

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