The Seamstress (2009)

The Seamstress

Title: The Seamstress

Release Date: 2009-09-24

Genres: Horror, Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Runtime: 85 minutes

Status: Released


A million ways to die... this is the worst.

Watch The Seamstress full movie for free. Released in 2009, The Seamstress movie was made with a budget of $2,500,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The Seamstress was brought into being by the desperate curse of an innocent woman being tortured to death by a vigilante mob. Voracious for blood, the hideously-mutilated specter hunts a small group of friends who become trapped on the island where she died.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Seamstress a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Lance Henriksen, Kailin See, David Kopp, James Kirk, Lara Gilchrist, Sarah Mutch, Richard Stroh, Kevin McNulty, Aaron Pearl, David Nykl, Andee Frizzell, Norman Misura, Jennifer Copping


Jesse James Miller, Krista Bell, J.J. Makaro, Mark Garbett, Andrew Bronstein, Corey Robson, Vasho Pekar, Jeremy Hampton, Milton Muller, Mark Garbett, Bob Hume, Oliver-Barret Lindsay, Roula Lainas, Adam Stern, Charles Roxburgh, Ocea Ringrose, Kristian James Andresen, Jeffery Alan Jones, Kenton Rannie, Adrian Hrytzak, Todd Brooks, Charlie Renfrew, Sofia Bozikis, Sean Gilhooly, Ron Kozier, Gordon Oscar, Maura Halliday

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island, attempted murder, murder, curse, needle, seamstress

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