Fear of Flying (2012)

Fear of Flying

Title: Fear of Flying

Release Date: 2012-07-14

Genres: Animation, Comedy

Runtime: 9 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Fear of Flying full movie for free. Released in 2012, Fear of Flying movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A small bird with a fear of flying tries to avoid heading South for the winter.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Fear of Flying a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Mark Doherty, Aoife Duffin, Steven Courtney


Conor Finnegan, Conor Finnegan, Brunella Cocchiglia, Gavin Little, Harrie Fallover, Robert Clarke, Conor Finnegan, Ivan McCullough, Tobias Norberg, Vadim Draempaehl, Joe Fallover, Joe Fallover, Ray Carlin, Conor Flanagan, Renate Henschke, Paul Tsan, Conor Finnegan, Cormac McDonagh, Joe McHugh, Conor Finnegan, Sarah Dunphy, Warren Dowling, Eoghan McDonnell, Jean McGrath, Paul Shanahan, Peter Murray, Emma Butt, Gavin Little, Glenn Delaney

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flying, squirrel, winter, fear of flying, stop motion, bird migration, birds, short film, bird, anxiety, nightmares, felt animation

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