A Man Named John (1965)

A Man Named John

Title: A Man Named John

Release Date: 1965-11-19

Genres: Drama, History

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released


Watch A Man Named John full movie for free. Released in 1965, A Man Named John movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Based on the diary Pope John XXIII kept between the ages of 14 and 18, his lifelong concern for tolerance, the underprivileged, and world peace is told. Rod Steiger, in the central role, acts as "intermediary" between the Pope and the audience, interpreting John's words, thoughts and actions. Steiger visits the actual places in which John lived, recreating the conditions, environment, and forces that affected his development. Through this unusual technique, we are brought close to an extraordinary man - one who's able to win the love of many people of all faiths.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made A Man Named John a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Rod Steiger, Adolfo Celi, Giorgo Fortunato, Ottone Candiani, Alfonso Orlando, Alberto Rossi, Giovanni Rossi, Fabrisio Rossi, Pietro Germi, Rita Bertocchi, Antonio Bertocchi, Antonio Ruttigni, Pope John XXIII


Carla Colombo, Ermanno Olmi, Harry Saltzman, Venanzio Biraschi, Ennio Michettoni, Pope John XXIII, Ennio Michettoni, Vincenzo Labella, Piero Portalupi, Ermanno Olmi, Gaspare Palumbo, Idelmo Simonelli, Antonietta Gianesin, Jolanda Adamo, Mimmola Girosi, Franco Potenza, Franco Potenza, Vincenzo Labella, Cesare Fontana, Giuseppe Baghdighian

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