Godfather Death (1980)
Title: Godfather Death
Release Date: 1980-12-27
Genres: Fantasy
Runtime: 76 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Godfather Death full movie for free. Released in 1980, Godfather Death movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who had thirteen children. Since the farmer was so poor, there was never anything left for the youngest of the family. Therefore, the farmer chose Death as the godfather of his son, Jörg, because all people are equal in the eyes of Death. The Grim Reaper is happy to look after the boy and turns Jörg into a skilled doctor who earns wealth and fame.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Godfather Death a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Dieter Franke, Jan Spitzer, Hannes Fischer, Janina Hartwig, Erika Pelikowsky, Adolf Peter Hoffmann, Siegfried Kilian, Volkmar Kleinert, Christian Steyer, Ursula Staack, Gisela Morgen, Erdmute Schmidt-Christian, Bert Paul, Michael Gerber, Hans-Peter Reinecke, Rudolf Christoph, Klaus Piontek, Stefan Lisewski, Michaela Hotz, Angela Brunner, Roland Knappe, Jörg Panknin, Willi Neuenhahn
Claus Küchenmeister, Wolfgang Hübner, Wolfgang Hübner, Wera Küchenmeister, Karin Kusche, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Hans-Jürgen Sasse, Karl-Ernst Sasse
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