Malagueña (1956)


Title: Malagueña

Release Date: 1956-12-13

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Malagueña full movie for free. Released in 1956, Malagueña movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The film tells of a young woman travels to Malaga to Barcelona to meet and live with his grandfather, a poor blind man selling matches in the Catalan city harbor. The young man with his panache and salt shines in the port environment dominated many young rogue like Martin, who falls in love with her, and love her is closing the doors opened she seeks to earn some money and try be famous in the art of singing.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Malagueña a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Antonio Molina, Lolita Sevilla, José Prada, Marion Mitchell, Francisco Camoiras, Antonio Puchol, Jesús Castro Blanco, José Manuel Pinillos, Ventura Oller, Camino Delgado, Alejo del Peral, Jesús Puche, Enrique Andrés, Carlos Ronda, Antonio Andrada, Matías Molina, Rogelio Comas, Jesús Redondo, José F. Rivelles, Adriano Rimoldi, Antonio Ozores


Ricardo Núñez, Nené Cascallar, Ricardo Núñez, Sebastián Rives, Mauricio Torres, Ricardo Núñez, Federico G. Larraya, Albert Gasset Nicolau, Alfonso de Lucas, Alfonso de Lucas, Alfonso de Lucas, José Luis Román, Gervasio Banciella, José Isbert Jr.

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