Max and Jane Want to Do Theater (1911)
Title: Max and Jane Want to Do Theater
Release Date: 1911-12-11
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 13 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Max and Jane Want to Do Theater full movie for free. Released in 1911, Max and Jane Want to Do Theater movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Max is a stage struck youth, and because of a deep-seated desire to go on the stage, refuses to consent to a marriage his father has planned for him. The girl, whom Max has never met, is also stage struck, and entertains no wish of marrying him, though her mother is anxious to see her make the alliance. The parents finally manage to bring the young people together, and they, in turn, exert all their skill in an attempt to disgust each other. An accidental meeting between the two when they are off guard causes them to change their minds.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Max and Jane Want to Do Theater a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Max Linder, Jane Renouardt, Henri Collen, Gabrielle Lange, Charles Mosnier
Max Linder, René Leprince, Max Linder
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