Social Butterfly (2013)
Title: Social Butterfly
Release Date: 2013-01-18
Genres: Drama, Mystery
Runtime: 14 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Social Butterfly full movie for free. Released in 2013, Social Butterfly movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A 30-year-old American woman enters a teenage party in the South of France. Some of the guests wonder who she is and what she is doing there.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Social Butterfly a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Anna Margaret Hollyman, Camille Claris, Ulysse Grosjean, Thomas Livolsi
Lauren Wolkstein, Lauren Wolkstein, Sébastien Aubert, Clémence Thurninger, Fabienne Bichet, Christopher Radcliff, Jeff Sousa, Lauren Wolkstein, Rim Laurens, Julien Farrugia, Jeannie Donohoe, Kamila Cechova, Todd Warren, Brandon Roots, Anne-Claire Jaulin, David Guiraud, Jessica Ibañez, Vincent Gastinel, Bryan Randell, Élodie Coudert, Eric Soulier, Ludwik Pruszkowski, Mélissa Fillon, Delphine Malaussena, Stéphane Gessat, Julien Campos, Mélanie Ristorcelli, Geneviève Guiraud, Anthony Devaux, Anne-Claire Jaulin, Shah Zaman Baloch, Shah Zaman Baloch, Pauline Duterte, Nicolas Gilbert, Charlotte Blan, Clément Morais, Eric Soulier
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