Elementary School (1954)
Title: Elementary School
Release Date: 1954-12-29
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 96 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Elementary School full movie for free. Released in 1954, Elementary School movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Dante Trilli, who has been teaching in his village school for about twenty years, wins a competition for Milan. Waiting for him is his childhood friend, where he is the janitor in the school where Trilli will teach.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Elementary School a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Riccardo Billi, Mario Riva, Lise Bourdin, Alberto Rabagliati, René Clermont, Marc Cassot, Diana Dei, Alain Quercy, Ugo Attanasio, Mario Carotenuto, Turi Pandolfini, Dario Fo, Alfredo Fabietti, Fiore Sagò, Gianfilippo Carcano, Rolando Ranzani, Luciano Pigozzi, Enrico Ameri
Alberto Lattuada, Giovanni Rossi, Mario Serandrei, Anacleto Giustini, Giorgio Prosperi, Alberto Lattuada, Aldo Buzzi, Jean Blondel, Mario Nascimbene, Alberto Lattuada, Vincenzo Del Prato, Jean Blondel, Maddalena De Francesco, Marisa Fraticelli, Aiace Parolin, Anna Maria Campanile, Aldo Pomilia, Fritz Del Fauro, Leonida Barboni, Gianni Polidori, Jean Blondel, Franco Ferrara, Giorgio Prosperi, Alfio Caramelli, G.B. Poletto, Silvio Clementelli, Charles Spaak, Goffredo Lombardo, Ettore Maria Margadonna
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