Lopez Street (2013)
Title: Lopez Street
Release Date: 2013-02-23
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 80 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Lopez Street full movie for free. Released in 2013, Lopez Street movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In the eyes of a foreigner practically any street of Mexico City’s Centro Histórico holds potential for a film. Life on the street deserves more than just the natural condition of observer anyone could have, it demands an extra attention. In a 100-meter radius, the sociological exuberance of the events going on is simply impossible to ignore. The street is a mise en scène in itself.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Lopez Street a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Ignacio Hernández Ramírez, Pedro Vocero, Cristian Camacho, Mario Anaya Acevedo, Rodrigo Nájera Cárcamo, Tomás Benítez García, Javier Martínez Martínez, Valeriano Aguilar Guzmán, Citlali Segundo Cruz, Iván Guevara Segundo, Alejandro Mar Zubiri, Manuela Peña Sotres, Rogelio Martínez Mesa, Tomás Gómez Roque, María Elena Cabañas Torres, Gloria Cárdenas, Juana Segundo Cruz, María Martínez, Joel Peralta Reyes, Jesús Santos G., Gloria Ponciano Archundia, Bibiano Escutio Robles, Francisco Martínez Martínez, Armando Delgado Velázquez, David Checa Peña, Abraham Bardales, José Juan Porras Rojas, Luis Alberto Martínez Barrios, Carlos Cabrera, Martín Cabrera Cruz, José Rodríguez Martínez, Fernando Guevara Segundo
Gerardo Barroso, Lisa Tillinger, Galo Durán, Gerardo Barroso, Lisa Tillinger, León Felipe González Sánchez, Milko Luis Coronel, Gerardo Barroso, José Miguel Enriquez, Alejandro de Icaza, Mariana Musalem, Jesús Berrospe, Rosalie Huebl, Araceli Florencio, José Luis Salazar, Bulmaro Osornio, Lisa Tillinger, María Novaro, Matías Meyer, Michel Lipkes, Rubén Imaz, Maximiliano Cruz, Sandra Gómez, Paula Astorga, Yulene Olaizola, Iria Gómez Concheiro
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society, urban