Skin, Skin (1966)
Title: Skin, Skin
Release Date: 1966-10-21
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 89 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Skin, Skin full movie for free. Released in 1966, Skin, Skin movie was made with a budget of $110,125 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A movie about summer, youth, the difficulty of love, and a camping trip to the countryside by four young people from Helsinki.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Skin, Skin a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Kristiina Halkola, Kirsti Wallasvaara, Pekka Autiovuori, Eero Melasniemi, Anneli Sauli, Jukka Sipilä, Kari Franck, Remu Aaltonen, Kirka Babitzin, Aarto Henttonen, Olli Könönen, Mikko Niskanen, Robert Alftan
Peter Lindholm, Arno Carlstedt, Kurt Vilja, Jussi Aalto, Matti Läättä, Heimo Karppinen, Seppo Immonen, Pentti Helanne, Robert Alftan, Asser Penttinen, Harri Markkanen, Mikko Niskanen, Marja-Leena Mikkola, Seppo Kurko, Kyösti Varesvuo, Esko Nevalainen, Juho Gartz, Jukka Sipilä, Kaj Chydenius, Henrik Otto Donner
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