Nem Sansão Nem Dalila (1955)

Nem Sansão Nem Dalila

Title: Nem Sansão Nem Dalila

Release Date: 1955-02-18

Genres: Comedy, Science Fiction

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Nem Sansão Nem Dalila full movie for free. Released in 1955, Nem Sansão Nem Dalila movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Barber's jeep crash against crazy scientist's house, where the latter was building a time-machine. The crash triggers the machine, taking them to Gaza kingdom, circa 1153 B.C., where they get involved in many funny situations. Spoof of Cecil B. DeMille's Samson and Delilah

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Nem Sansão Nem Dalila a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Oscarito, Eliana, Cyll Farney, Fada Santoro, Wilson Grey, Carlos Cotrim, Ricardo Luna


Luiz Bonfá, Amleto Daissé, José Cajado Filho, Carlos Manga, Waldemar Noya, Carlos Manga, Victor Lima

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