Girls in Gingham (1949)

Girls in Gingham

Title: Girls in Gingham

Release Date: 1949-07-08

Genres: History, Drama

Runtime: 100 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Girls in Gingham full movie for free. Released in 1949, Girls in Gingham movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A moving saga focusing on the women in a family that spans three generations and almost 70 years of German history, from the Wilhelmine period through the end of WWII. This film shows that it takes a combination of hard work, political consciousness and family work in tandem to face the tragedies of war, economic hardship and death.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Girls in Gingham a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Camilla Spira, Werner Hinz, Carsta Löck, Ursula Diestel, Willi Rose, Herbert Hübner, Arno Paulsen, Werner Peters, Walter Gross, Käte Alving, Walter Bluhm, Yvonne Merin, Friedrich Gnaß, Brigitte Krause, Hans Klering, Else Reval, Waltraut Kramm, Hans Joachim Schölermann, Albert Venohr, Peter Marx, Susi Deitz, Lothar Firmans, Liselotte Köster, Jockel Stahl, Inge van der Straaten, Ilse Trautschold, Franz Weber, Kurt Weitkamp, Elisabeth Wendt, Jean Brahn, Micaela Kreißler


Kurt Maetzig, Berta Waterstradt, Karl Plintzner, Friedl Behn-Grund, Zlata Mehlers, Emil Hasler, Walter Schulze-Mittendorff, H. W. Wiemann, Ilse Voigt

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