The Near Room (1997)

The Near Room

Title: The Near Room

Release Date: 1997-04-11

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Runtime: 86 minutes

Status: Released


When the past catches up with the future...

Watch The Near Room full movie for free. Released in 1997, The Near Room movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Charlie Colquhoun is a burnt out journalist. His old school friend Harris Hill is a lawyer at the top of his game. Their lives are smashed together by one name - Tommy Stirling, Charlie's daughter, a fostered teenage pregnancy who has become embroiled in an alleged child pornography scandal with a top ranking police officer. As the trail to Tommy begins to heat up, so the bodies begin to mount up. Allegiances fall by the wayside as Charlie's life begins to spiral out of control and the deadly world of drugs, blackmail and murder that lies in the deepest heart of the underworld threatens to consume him and his missing daughter forever.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Near Room a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Adrian Dunbar, David O'Hara, David Hayman, Julie Graham, Tom Watson, James Ellis, Robert Pugh, Emma Faulkner, Andy Serkis, Bill Gardiner, Garry Sweeney, Sean Scanlan, Julie Miller, Peter McDougall, Claire Gray Wilson, Maureen Allan, Kenneth Bryans, Paul Samson, James McAvoy, Carrie Carbin, Alana Brady, Andrew Flanagan, Stevie Allen, Allan Sharpe, Annie Louise Ross, Joanne Reilly, Judy McMillan, Gail Watson, Mandie Ross, Vanya Eadie, Sarah Collier, Neil Packham, Annabel Glencross, Stuart Davids


Martin Sharpe, Alan Stewart, Paul McGeechan, James Grant, Cameron Crosby, Kevin Rowley, Andy Harris, Leonard Crooks, Robert Murphy, Tommy Gormley, Jo Homewood, Alice Hayman, Rhona Russell, Charlie Crawford, Carol Moorhead, Janis Watt, Alan Sallabank, John Fewell, Adrian Dunbar, Bob Last, Zoe MacLeod, Stuart Brisdon, Julie Ankerson, Paul Peppiate, David Gilchrist, Fiona Carlin, Avril Watt, Maggie Millar, Irene Napier, Karen Richards, Mandy Bryan, Peter Braham, Jean Kerr, Karen Richards, David Hayman

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blackmail, child pornography, murder

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