Legion of Iron (1990)
Title: Legion of Iron
Release Date: 1990-08-08
Genres: Thriller, Action
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
The only way to win is to stay alive.
Watch Legion of Iron full movie for free. Released in 1990, Legion of Iron movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
It's an ordinary date night for Billy (Kevin T. Walsh) and Alison (Camille Carrigan) until mysterious forces whisk them away to an underground arena, where Billy must fight other captives for the wagers of wealthy men and the pleasure of Queen Diana (Erika Nann). When he's not battling for his life or protecting Alison from Diana's lecherous bodyguards, Billy attempts to rally his fellow slaves into a full-blooded revolt.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Legion of Iron a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Kevin T. Walsh, Erika Nann, Camille Carrigan, Reggie De Morton, Nelson Anderson, Morgan Hunter, Felicia Fisher, Stefanos Miltsakakis, Alex Gecewicz, Therese Kablan, Rudy Verwey, Peter Colley, Harley Zumbrum, Don Barber, Dimitrius Pulido, Robert Young, Chris Caputo, Vesna Krdzic-Viva, Richard Scalata, Bobby Shinya Nagao, Ruben Gordon, Sandra Dee, Kerine Elkins, Miraya Gant, Jesse Galante, Richard Hodges, Ric Mitchell, Troy Fromin, Bruce Ryon, Glen Rountree, Jody King, Rick van Horn
Yakov Bentsvi, Isaac Florentine, Frank Billecci, Greg Turner, Rick Mitchell, Yuda Ako, Ruben Gordon, Steve Schoenberg, Ed Hunt, Luis Santiago, Lynn Harris, George Alch
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