Tito on Ice (2012)
Title: Tito on Ice
Release Date: 2012-03-20
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 74 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Tito on Ice full movie for free. Released in 2012, Tito on Ice movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
To promote their book Bosnian Flat Dog, Swedish comics creators Max Andersson and Lars Sjunnesson tour the countries of former Yugoslavia with a mummified Marshal Tito in a refrigerator. They encounter a number of artists, musicians, publishers and other characters populating the post-Yugoslav indie cultural scene. As the journey continues through increasingly improbable surroundings, the protagonists begin to question themselves and the reality they find themselves in. Watching border controls turn into improvised snapshot sessions, admiring mutant iron-curtain Disney toys, buying souvenir grenade shell handicrafts and discovering sniper art in blown-out apartments, they find that truth may indeed be stranger than fiction.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Tito on Ice a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Helena Ahonen, Max Andersson, Vladimir Nedeljković, Ivan Mitrevski, Anders Möllander, Igor Hofbauer, Marko Tomaš, Saša Rakezić, Igor Prassel, Mirza Bezirević, Nedim Ćisić, Katerina Mirović, Stefan Skledar, Lars Sjunnesson
Helena Ahonen, Max Andersson, Max Andersson, Michael Sevholt, Michael Sevholt
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