Wuthering Heights (1988)

Wuthering Heights

Title: Wuthering Heights

Release Date: 1988-05-28

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 143 minutes

Status: Released


When I go to hell, you will be with me.....

Watch Wuthering Heights full movie for free. Released in 1988, Wuthering Heights movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Young Kinu Yamabe is drawn to low-born Onimaru, who is vital and charismatic, but viewed by his father as a demon. After her first period, Kinu suffers the fate of any women born near the Sacred Mountain: she must leave the Mountain and serve as a priestess.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Wuthering Heights a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Yūsaku Matsuda, Yuko Tanaka, Rentaro Mikuni, Tatsuo Nadaka, Eri Ishida, Nagare Hagiwara, Keiko Itō, Masato Furuoya, Tomoko Takabe, Masao Imafuku, Tarō Shigaki


Yoshishige Yoshida, Junichiro Hayashi, Toru Takemitsu, Francis von Büren, Emily Brontë, Kazunobu Yamaguchi, Yoshirō Muraki, Yukio Kubota, Takao Shiroe, Yoshishige Yoshida, Tadaaki Shimada

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based on novel or book, foreign language adaptation, kamakura period

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