I Won't Love You (1974)
Title: I Won't Love You
Release Date: 1974-05-10
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 81 minutes
Status: Released
Watch I Won't Love You full movie for free. Released in 1974, I Won't Love You movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In an idyllic working class community, 13 year old Anka grows up, going through stages of adolescence, dreaming, first love and gossiping with girlfriends. Roughly disturbed by the shame and disgrace of alcoholism - leaves unwashable stains upon the community, that tries to cope with abuse and depression, and the system (including school teachers) who try to avoid the subject. This story was aimed at parents, to give them morally an insight into what happens when a young girl has to deal with the disgrace of an alcoholic father and a mentally instable mother.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made I Won't Love You a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Grażyna Michalska, Henryka Dobosz, Tadeusz Janczar, Bogdan Izdebski, Bożena Fedorczyk, Krzysztof Sierocki, Beata Nowicka, Monika Szatyńska, Elżbieta Jodłowska, Daniela Zybalanka, Bogdan Baer, Tadeusz Bartkowiak, E. Sierszulska, Andrzej Boczula, J. Janikowska, Monika Stefanowicz, Piotr Szczerkowski, K. Maszyńska, T. Paluch, Marek Kubacki, P. Cichocki, Janusz Nasfeter
Janusz Nasfeter, Romuald Drobaczyński, Jan Nowak, Paweł Pitera, Janusz Nasfeter, Teresa Nasfeter, Krzysztof Winiewicz, Andrzej J. Jaroszewicz, Jan Górski, Jerzy Klimkiewicz, Tadeusz Myszorek, Bogdan Sölle, Tatiana Manżett, Albin Wejman, Bolesław Miziołek, Ewa Braun, Andrzej Korzyński, Andrzej Korzyński, Anna Iżykowska-Mironowicz, Krzysztof Wodziński, Ryszard Lechański, B. Nowak, Józef Nosowicz, Józef Bartczak, Barbara Lewandowska-Conio, Konstanty Lewkowicz, Andrzej Albinowski, Edward Szymański, Wojciech Lesiak, Stanisław Chwastek, Teresa Nasfeter, Janusz Nasfeter
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