Sweet Little Sixteen (1999)
Title: Sweet Little Sixteen
Release Date: 1999-03-26
Genres: Drama, Thriller, TV Movie
Runtime: 94 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Sweet Little Sixteen full movie for free. Released in 1999, Sweet Little Sixteen movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
16-year-old Sophie Reiner is living a happy life, but then her friend Karen is murdered after a visit to a disco. Sophie's perfect world is shattered. She falls in love with the charming detective Mike Kleist and begins a secret affair with him. When another of Sophie's classmates is murdered, the situation comes to a head. Finally, Sophie's father becomes the target of the investigation. But the murderer has already chosen his next victims: It's Sophie and her mother...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sweet Little Sixteen a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Heikko Deutschmann, Christian Berkel, Julia Bremermann, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Jeanne Tremsal, András Fricsay, Robert Hoffmann, Arthur Brauss, Oliver Nägele, Theresa Scholze, Germain Wagner
Peter Patzak, David Gilman, Andreas Köfer, Gerd Berner, Walter Amann, Manfred Arbter, Verena Lieberknecht, Klaus Ploch, Vladimir Polak, Bernd Schmidl, Snezana Anastasijevic, Petra M. Hanslbauer, Nina Regine Trautmann, Florian Michel, Katharina Erfmann, Katharina Erfmann, Edwin Erfmann, Edwin Erfmann, Steffen Kaltschmid, Markus Lonardoni, Michaela Krauß, German Pizzinini, Petra Hillebrand, Harald Schuster, Robert Müller, Isabell Seeliger, Michael Smeaton, Heidi Ulmke, Mark Rau
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police, murder, older man younger woman relationship, dead woman, death