Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962)
Title: Girls! Girls! Girls!
Release Date: 1962-11-21
Genres: Comedy, Music, Romance
Runtime: 99 minutes
Status: Released
The Swingin'-est Elvis! + Girls (Girls, Girls) + Songs (lots of them). Who could ask for anything more?
Watch Girls! Girls! Girls! full movie for free. Released in 1962, Girls! Girls! Girls! movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
When he finds out his boss is retiring to Arizona, a sailor, Ross Carpenter, has to find a way to buy the Westwind, a boat that he and his father built. He is also caught between two women: insensitive club singer Robin and sweet Laurel.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Girls! Girls! Girls! a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Elvis Presley, Stella Stevens, Jeremy Slate, Laurel Goodwin, Benson Fong, Robert Strauss, Guy Lee, Frank Puglia, Lily Valenty, Beulah Quo, Ginny Tiu, Elizabeth Tiu, Alexander Tiu, Mary Treen, Pamela Duncan
Norman Taurog, Allan Weiss, Edward Anhalt, Tom Parker, Warren Low, Hal Pereira, Stanley E. Johnson, Walter H. Tyler, Loyal Griggs, Hal B. Wallis, Joseph J. Lilley, Allan Weiss, Robert McCrellis, William Hamilton, Frank R. McKelvy, Harold Lewis, Jack Mintz, Nellie Manley, Edith Head, Charles Grenzbach, Sam Comer, Irmin Roberts, Wally Westmore, Michael D. Moore, Paul Nathan
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