Piernas cruzadas (1984)

Piernas cruzadas

Title: Piernas cruzadas

Release Date: 1984-03-15

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 78 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Piernas cruzadas full movie for free. Released in 1984, Piernas cruzadas movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Lucerito is a Spanish star who has come to Mexico, accompanied by her godfather and her agent, to find work. Rosario is from upper class society and has grown tired of the demands made upon her by her family. When they meet each other in a Mexican hotel, they discover that they could be each other's identical twin and decide to change places.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Piernas cruzadas a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Alfredo Landa, María José Cantudo, Hilda Aguirre, Charly Valentino, Julissa, Eduardo de la Peña, Carmen Salinas, Rafael Inclán, Mario Zebadúa, Alberto Rojas, Freddy Fernández 'El Pichi', Armando Soto La Marina 'El Chicote', Víctor Alcocer, Gerardo Zepeda, Carlos Agostí, Pedro Weber 'Chatanuga'


Rafael Villaseñor Kuri, Jorge Patiño, Luis Bekris, Guillermo S. Maldonado, Maximino Sánchez Molina, Virginia Campos, Jorge Patiño, José Méndez, Gregorio García Segura, Xavier Cruz

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