Esa voz es una mina (1956)

Esa voz es una mina

Title: Esa voz es una mina

Release Date: 1956-04-01

Genres: Drama, Music

Runtime: 85 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Esa voz es una mina full movie for free. Released in 1956, Esa voz es una mina movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A young miner, married to a lovely woman crippled, lives happily proving to have a wonderful singing voice while hauling trucks in the mine. One day, to hear a clever promoter, gets its hands on an interesting contract to sing in the most cosmopolitan nightclubs, waking him good prospects for a revenue amazement while he meets another woman who might get put endanger their marriage.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Esa voz es una mina a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Antonio Molina, Nani Fernández, Rafael Durán, Delia Luna, José Franco, José Luis López Vázquez, Bobby Deglané, Casimiro Hurtado, José Sepúlveda, Francisco Bernal, Félix Fernández, Valeriano Andrés, Josefina Serratosa, Francisco Camoiras, Modesto Blanch, Félix Acaso, Luis Moscatelli, Selica Torcal, Manuel Guitián, Ángel Álvarez, Antonio Moreno


Luis Lucia

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