Snow White (1961)

Snow White

Title: Snow White

Release Date: 1961-10-05

Genres: Fantasy, Family

Runtime: 63 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Snow White full movie for free. Released in 1961, Snow White movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Hated by her jealous and bloodthirsty stepmother, Snow White flees a murder attempt and seeks shelter in the woods with seven kindly dwarfs. Feeling she is safe from harm, Snow White welcomes the disguised queen into her home...with fatal consequences.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Snow White a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Doris Weikow, Marianne Christina Schilling, Wolf-Dieter Panse, Harry Hindemith, Steffie Spira, Fred Delmare, Heinz Scholz, Willi Scholz, Horst Jonischkan, Fredy Barten, Arthur Reppert, Jochen Köppel, Georg Irmer, Horst Buder, Hans-Joachim Engelmann, Walter E. Fuß, Hanna Rieger, Fritz Schlegel, Kurt Sperling, Arno Wyzniewski, Georg Thies


Gottfried Kolditz, Günter Kaltofen, Gerda Eggers-Ebert, Erwin Anders, Gudrun Deubener, Peter Sonntag, Elli-Charlotte Löffler, Margot Beichler, Siegfried Tiefensee, Ursula Zweig, Hans Poppe, Adolf Fischer, Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm

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