King Thrushbeard (1965)
Title: King Thrushbeard
Release Date: 1965-12-01
Genres: Fantasy, Family
Runtime: 74 minutes
Status: Released
Watch King Thrushbeard full movie for free. Released in 1965, King Thrushbeard movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A fairy-tale about a beautiful but very haughty princess Anna who cruelly mocks each of her suitors. Finally she is forced by the king to marry a beggar. The poor life, hard work and love teach the princess a lesson and turn her into a loving and kind person.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made King Thrushbeard a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Karin Ugowski, Manfred Krug, Martin Flörchinger, Helmut Schreiber, Achim Schmidtchen, Gerd E. Schäfer, Arno Wyzniewski, Fritz Decho, Bruno Carstens, Horst Buder, Nico Turoff, Manfred Heine, Ulrich Balko, Klaus Piontek, Marianne Wünscher, Jutta Wachowiak, Jochen Bley, Werner Kamenik, Axel Triebel, Trude Brentina, Ostara Körner, Lothar Förster, Christian Weisbrod, Evamaria Heyse, Jochen Diestelmann, Jürgen Marten, Klaus Schwarz
Walter Beck, Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm, Günter Kaltofen, Walter Beck, Lothar Gerber, Werner Pieske, Wolfgang Lesser, Margot Beichler, Christel Ehrlich, Erich Krüllke, Dorit Gründel, Werner Krehbiel, Rosemarie Ehm-Schulz, Gudrun Rammler
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princess, fairy tale, brothers grimm, beggar