Unmarried and Mother in Life (1969)
Title: Unmarried and Mother in Life
Release Date: 1969-10-13
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 90 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Unmarried and Mother in Life full movie for free. Released in 1969, Unmarried and Mother in Life movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The frog test confirms Julita is pregnant. This is usually a great news. In this case, no. She is a victim of premarital sex, and he, Paco, a mechanic who, according to some theories of French biologist, explained by a podiatrist friend, will not be liable. Don Ramiro, the father of Julia, is a liberal-minded man, but when his daughter tells him that she will have a son who will not parent, seeking the solution of fatherhood in his gun regulation.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Unmarried and Mother in Life a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Lina Morgan, Alfredo Landa, Manolo Gómez Bur, Laly Soldevila, Soledad Miranda, José Sacristán, Gonzalo Cañas, Gloria Cámara, Blaki, Venancio Muro, Tomás Blanco, Francisco Piquer, María Isbert, Adriano Domínguez, Pilar Gómez Ferrer, Danny Ross, Azucena Molina, Alberto Fernández, Teófilo Calle, Carol Yepes, Elena Arnao, Luis Frutos, María Elena Arpón, María Kosty, Merche Abreu, Mara Laso
Javier Aguirre, José Luis Dibildos, José Luis Dibildos, Antonio Mingote, Antonio Mingote, José Luis Dibildos, Antonio Pérez Olea, Petra de Nieva, Adolfo Cofiño, Roberto Monleón, Adolfo Cofiño, Romana González, Juan Campos, Antonio Martín, Roberto Monleón, Roberto Monleón, José María San Mateo, Casimiro Dengra, Enrique Montoya, Pedro Martín, Mary Xaire, Juan Antonio Arévalo, Manuel Rojas
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