Playing Victim (2024)
Title: Playing Victim
Release Date: 2024-08-01
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 25 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Playing Victim full movie for free. Released in 2024, Playing Victim movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Playing Victim tells a story of a career woman named Rina who for the first time in her life, feels love and connection from a man and aspiring musician, Rifka. However, their relationship lies in Limbo as Rifka seems to be hiding a secret, one that comes from his own past.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Playing Victim a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Zahra Aliyya, Regga Dwi Putra, Oliviana Maringka, Wisnu Prianggani
Bambang Anggoro, Nicholas Gerry, Fajar Siahaan, Nora Jesica Silalahi, Kurnia Kristiadi, Bambang Anggoro, Maria Evelina, Bambang Anggoro, Sonya Hemas, Nora Jesica Silalahi, Chatarine Yunita, Jeremy Putra, Nicholas Gerry, Nicholas Gerry, Anugerah Ruth, Sandhi Mahendra, Chatarine Yunita, Bambang Anggoro, Nixon Asone, Alzo Daeli, Kurnia Kristiadi, Grace Swesti, Leonard Gervasius, Maria Evelina, Oliviana Maringka, Wisnu Prianggani, Christian Patrick, Prima Napitupulu, Anugerah Ruth, Bambang Anggoro, Tamara Natalie, Sandhi Mahendra, Violetta Laurencia, Bambang Anggoro, Kurnia Kristiadi, Bambang Anggoro, Irine Widya, Nora Jesica Silalahi, Alzo Daeli, Jerry Natanael, Jerry Natanael
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