The Flames of Nule (2010)
Title: The Flames of Nule
Release Date: 2010-07-16
Genres: History, Documentary, Animation
Runtime: 7 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Flames of Nule full movie for free. Released in 2010, The Flames of Nule movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The film tells the story of Anna, Rosa and Maria, weavers from Nule in Sardinia, who are taking part in a tapestry competition. Whilst Anna and Rosa try to impress the judges making by perfect and beautiful carpets, Maria surprises the village by creating an unexpected textile. Designer, illustrator, and animator Carolina Melis' short film Le fiamme di Nule uses animation and live footage to portray the story of the three weavers in the Sardinian village of Nule. The story was inspired by a trip Meils took to the village, where she became fascinated with their traditional textile-making techniques.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Flames of Nule a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Elsa Petit, Janine Proost, Mariana Camiloti, Simon Barraclough
Carolina Melis, Charlotte Bavasso, Christopher O'Reilly, Julia Parfitt, Liz Chan, Peter Ellmore, Luciano Bonino, Maria Zanardi, Claire Thompson, Alessandro Monaco, Valeria Armeni, Roly Edwards, Kwok Fung Lam, Tommaso de Sanctis, Marina Somoylenko, Rodi Kaya, Alasdair Brotherson, Jérome Lionard, Alex Taylor, Paul Allen, Max Halstead, Simon Barraclough, Carolina Melis
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