Baby (2025)


Title: Baby

Release Date: 2025-01-09

Genres: Drama, Romance

Runtime: 107 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Baby full movie for free. Released in 2025, Baby movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After being released from a juvenile detention center, Wellington finds himself alone and adrift on the streets of São Paulo, without any contact from his parents and lacking the resources to rebuild his life. During a visit to a porn theater, he encounters Ronaldo, a mature man, who teaches him new ways of surviving. Gradually, their relationship turns into a conflicting passion, oscillating between exploitation and protection, jealousy and complicity.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Baby a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


João Pedro Mariano, Ricardo Teodoro, Ana Flavia Cavalcanti, Bruna Linzmeyer, Luiz Bertazzo, Marcelo Várzea, Patrick Coelho, Kyra Reis, Baco Pereira, Sylvia Prado


Marcelo Caetano, Marcelo Caetano, Gabriel Domingues, Jeronimo Lemos, Ivan Melo, Joana Luz, Fabian Remy, Dani Cordeiro, Marcelo Caetano, Pierre Menahem, Maarten Swart, Ismara Antunes, Marcelo Caetano, Ana Rabelo, Stienette Bosklopper, Juliette Lepoutre, Maria Tereza Urias, Yorick Sedee, Beto Tibiriçá, Gabriela Campos, Tatiana Manfrin, Pedro Sotero, Thales Junqueira, Nando Gomes, Gustavo Lira, Connery M. Arendse, Leandro Gomes, Frances Sansão, Max van den Oever, Marcinho, Graciela Barrault, Cissa Saraiva, Maria Leite, Felipe Selles, Mariana Kinker, Isis Lugui, Lucas Coelho de Carvalho, Camiel Muiser

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