Summertime Blues (1988)
Title: Summertime Blues
Release Date: 1988-08-18
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Summertime Blues full movie for free. Released in 1988, Summertime Blues movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
It's summertime and Johnny hits upon the idea of restoring a disused old bar with his old friends Benny and Bobby. Raising the capital however is a problem, but luckily the landlord's geeky daughter Polly has long harbored a crush on Bobby. Bobby wants no part of this and neither does Polly who smells a rat. As the boys work on restoring the bar, preparing for it's grand re-opening, Polly's guard softens as seemingly does Bobby's but at the expense of possible heartbreak in the unlikeliest of places....
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Summertime Blues a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Yftach Katzur, Zachi Noy, Jonathan Sagall, Elfi Eschke, Sibylle Rauch, Sissi Pitz, Jacques Cohen, Dan Turgeman, Dvora Kedar, Sonja Martin, Iris Shapira, Dan Harden, Sigal Shapira, Gilles Ben-David, Yehuda Efroni, Yaron Shilon, Sarit Seri, Omna Brik, Ya'acov H. Kaplanski, Sally Cooke, Nili Zomer, Nuli Omer, Lior Hashin, Shara Gilon, Israel Gotesman, Ya'acov Kaluski, Bracha Ne'eman, Yehoyahin Fridlander, Nava Noti, Rachel Shemesh, Shula Revach, Doron Ozer
Gisela Castronari, Zachi Noy, Reinhard Schwabenitzky, Sam Waynberg, Karl Kases, Vera Burnus, Kuli Sander, Shmulik Levi, Yoni Hamenachem, Reinhard Schwabenitzky, Daniel Kantor, Liora Rodan, Avner Peled, Ora Strikovski, Joachim Berc, Dalia Hovers, Osnat Margovsky, Martin Stingl, Zivit Yakir, Avner Orshalimy, Yossi Yarkoni, Rachel Dayan, Wolfgang Odenthal, Ya'acov Kalutzki, David Nipo, Lina Talmor, Nani Rosenstein, Avi Avrahami, Eli Yarkoni, Asaf Amir, Rachel Elimelech
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