The Refrigerator (1991)

The Refrigerator

Title: The Refrigerator

Release Date: 1991-01-11

Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, Horror

Runtime: 86 minutes

Status: Released


No survivors. Only leftovers.

Watch The Refrigerator full movie for free. Released in 1991, The Refrigerator movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A couple move into a bad apartment in a bad neighborhood in New York. The apartment contains a refrigerator, which is the only thing they like in the place. However, they slowly discover that the refrigerator is a monster which kills people in gruesome ways and then sends them to hell. The refrigerator is already gaining mind control over the husband. What will happen?

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Refrigerator a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Julia McNeal, Dave Simonds, Phyllis Salaberrios, Angel Caban, Nena Segal, Jaime Rojo, Alex Trisano, Peter Justinus, Karen Wexler, Michael Beltran, Jack Mason, Phil Butard, Weston Blakesley, Shannon McLeod, Larry Tate, Darrell Smith, Michelle DeCosta, Anthony McGowen, Jon Groff, Phoebe Sudrow, Amanda Green, Marko Hunt, Ben Bianchi, Dan Kelly, Bill Walters, Jed Spingarn, Damian Young, Vivian Lanko, Philip Dolin, David Shane, Joshua Robinson, Fernando St. James, Beth Hope, Allison McElwain, Paul Eckstein


Bill Sherwood, Nicholas Jacobs, Thérèse DePrez, Daniel Kohl, Paul Gibson, Anne Gwynn, Gary Ron, Susanna Virtanen, Ann Holm, Audrey James, Brian Rich, Charlotte R. Snyder, John Kovell, Mark Paperno, Sally Reed, Tom Potoskie, John Pirozzi, Kevin Smyth, Daryl Kerrigan, Elizabeth Beers, Joyce Simonelli, Judy Chin, Nancy Tong, Susie Narcisco, Chaille Brown, Christopher Oldcorn, Adrienne Tien, Priscilla Gravenhorst, Rob Hallenbake, Christopher Oldcorn, Nicholas Jacobs, P.J. Pesce, Suzanne Pillsbury, Ted Hayash, F. Miguel Valenti, Janet Paparazzo, Jeff Solon, Laura Rosenthal, Lee Sharmat, Karl Slovin, Christopher Oldcorn, Jeff Solon, Adam Roth, Christopher Burke, Don Peterkofsky, Philip Dolin, Christopher Oldcorn, Nicholas Jacobs, Philip Dolin, Nicholas Jacobs

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possession, refrigerator, inanimate objects come to life

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