Räuber Kneißl (2008)
Title: Räuber Kneißl
Release Date: 2008-08-21
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 114 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Räuber Kneißl full movie for free. Released in 2008, Räuber Kneißl movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Even today, Mathias Kneißl (1875-1902) is considered a national hero in the collective memory of Bavaria. During his lifetime, he was the most wanted criminal in Bavaria and even Prince Regent Luitpold was reported daily on the hunt for the lawbreaker report. Again and again Kneißl's story has occupied the Bavarian artists: his life was retold in folk songs and murders, sung in ballads, filmed and treated in various plays. In his feature film version, the Bavarian filmmaker Marcus H. Rosenmüller relies on a rapid staging, opulent images and a moving love story.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Räuber Kneißl a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Maximilian Brückner, Brigitte Hobmeier, Thomas Schmauser, Maria Furtwängler, Christian Lerch, Andreas Giebel, Michael Fitz, Florian Brückner, Stefanie von Poser, Adele Neuhauser, Sigi Zimmerschied, Tilo Prückner, Stephan Zinner, Simon Schwarz, Michael Kranz, Jürgen Tonkel, Johann Schuler, Eisi Gulp, Rosalie Thomass, Peter Mitterrutzner, Sepp Schauer
Marcus H. Rosenmüller, Karin Michalke, Georg Söring, Gerd Baumann, Susanne Hildebrand, Quirin Berg, Stefan Biebl, Max Wiedemann, Christian Lerch
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