Masks (2011)
Title: Masks
Release Date: 2011-07-28
Genres: Horror, Thriller, Mystery
Runtime: 112 minutes
Status: Released
Audition for Death - Dein Blut für Deinen Traum
Watch Masks full movie for free. Released in 2011, Masks movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In the 70s Matteusz Gdula invented an acting method that was supposed to make every actor “shine”. Still, lots of his students die mysteriously and Gdula commits suicide. His method gets banned. Now: Stella, an ambitious, but rather untalented drama student, gets accepted at the „Matteusz Gdula“-school. When she bears witness to some strange occurrences, she gets drawn into the bizarre and deadly web that surrounds the dark secret of the school...
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Masks a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Susen Ermich, Julita Witt, Magdalena Ritter, Dieter Rita Scholl, Teresa Nawrot, Norbert Losch, Franziska Breite, Katja Lawrenz, Maximilian Rüthlein, Stefanie Grabner, Zübeyde Bulut, Veronica Naujoks
Andreas Marschall, Tim Luna, Sacha Kazanian, Sebastian Levermann, Nils Weise, Andreas Marschall, Brendan Flynt, Bitto Graciano, Enrico Garrone, Nadja Herzog, Sammy Balkas, Michael Cholewa, Markus Kaatsch, Volker Lange, Gertjan Rooijakkers, Ivo Scheloske, Bernd Reichert, Petra Marschall, Stefan Berg-Johansen, Jochen Klemp, Phil Freeborn, Enrique Timoteo, Bennet Togler, Daniel Hyan, Philip Jung, Christian Planitzer, Viktor Rennpening, Christian Kaltenbach, Sonali Wiedenhöfer, Mario Fraticelli, Harrisch Ford, Axel Wackwitz, Arne Eickenberg, Piero Montefort, Nicola Lablonda, James McLuhan, Dario Argento, Mario Bava, Beatrice Festerling, Pablo Guisa Koestinger, Pietro Martellanza, Sergio Martino, Heiko Merten, Maurice Taube, Hasso von Hugo, Nicole Hasenjäger, Tilman Beilfuss, Roberto Bianchini, Roberto Bianchini, Timucin Erk, Tonino Grotti, Tanja Grupp, Tanja Hoffmann, Philip Jung, Edgar Auell, Thomas Fritzsche, Christian Gierden, Martin Saalfrank, Nina Düffort, Miriam Erkma, Mandy Ernst, Natalie Federl, Helene Funke, Sandra Großkopf, Anne Haller, Mandy Klimt, Janine Kusche, Susann Kuster, Anne Linhard, Maike Oberhoffer, Inga Ross, Björn Roters, Bastian Russ, Natalie Scheil, Florian Schubert, Fulvia Stracciari, Patrick Walter, Melanie Weber, Nadine Wenrich, Jenni Wieland, Andreas Marschall, Sven Jakob-Engelmann, Andreas Marschall, Tim Luna
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