Earth (1939)


Title: Earth

Release Date: 1939-04-13

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 115 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Earth full movie for free. Released in 1939, Earth movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Kanji is a poor peasant widower who struggles to earn a living for his daughter and himself and to pay off his father-in-law's debts.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Earth a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Isamu Kosugi, Akiko Kazami, Donguriboya, Kaichi Yamamoto, Bontarō Miake, Reizaburo Yamamoto, Sanemon Suzuki, Masako Fujimura, Chieko Murata, Mantarō Ushio, Katsumi Mikawa, Mari Ko, Mieshi Bando, Chie Mitsui, Miyoko Sakura, Kyosuke Sawa, Isamu Yonekawa


Tomu Uchida, Yasuji Hori, Akihiro Norimatsu, Takashi Nagatsuka, Michio Midorikawa, Yasutaro Yagi, Tsutomu Kitamura

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