Gloria! (2024)
Title: Gloria!
Release Date: 2024-04-11
Genres: Drama, Music
Runtime: 100 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Gloria! full movie for free. Released in 2024, Gloria! movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $892,018 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In late 18th century Venice, in a convent school for girls, Teresa, a student with prophetic gifts, joins forces with some amazing music-makers. They create a new kind of pop, bright and bold, and challenge the ancient and rigid system.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Gloria! a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Galatéa Bellugi, Carlotta Gamba, Veronica Lucchesi, Maria Vittoria Dallasta, Sara Mafodda, Paolo Rossi, Elio, Natalino Balasso, Anita Kravos, Vincenzo Crea, Jasmin Mattei, Gioele Pagura, Margherita Vicario
Massimo Appolloni, Margherita Vicario, Margherita Vicario, Anita Rivaroli, Gianluca Palma, Luca Servino, Susanna Abenavoli, Mary Montalto, Margherita Vicario, Dade, Valeria Jamonte, Manuela Melissano, Carlo Cresto-Dina, Katrin Renz, Christian Marsiglia
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venice, italy, classical music, musical, 19th century, girls' school, neoclassical, convent