Hec Tic Tac (2013)

Hec Tic Tac

Title: Hec Tic Tac

Release Date: 2013-11-15

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Runtime: 5 minutes

Status: Released


Wake up! My parents arrive in 20 minutes.

Watch Hec Tic Tac full movie for free. Released in 2013, Hec Tic Tac movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

When the young Austrian couple oversleeps, the imminent arrival of the girl's parents creates a stress situation that turns into slapstick and chaos.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Hec Tic Tac a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Tobias Krall, Marlen Maresa Mejovsek, Gerhard Kappler


Ole Beekmann, Philipp Neubauer, Dave Lojek, Tim Hoppenbrouwers, Dave Lojek, Sven-Friedrich Wiese, Rachid Semahi, Richard Hartner, Ole Beekmann, Tomas Cech, Tomas Cech, Tim Hoppenbrouwers, Philipp Neubauer, Patrick Düren, Richard Hartner, Dave Lojek, Sven-Friedrich Wiese, Adam Lukas

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chaos, light, austria, stress, romantic comedy, graz, slapstick comedy, relationship, break-up, family, bathroom humor, young couple, nervousness, heterosexual, short film, kitchen, plot twist, romanze, suspense, guerilla filmmaking, suspenseful, comedy, kinokabaret, micro-cinema, paare

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