La máquina de bailar (2006)

La máquina de bailar

Title: La máquina de bailar

Release Date: 2006-09-22

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 109 minutes

Status: Released


Watch La máquina de bailar full movie for free. Released in 2006, La máquina de bailar movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After accidentally killing the albino boa of his boss, and in search of money to buy a new one, Dani and his colleagues sign up for the first national competition of Dance Dance Revolution.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made La máquina de bailar a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Jordi Vilches, Santiago Segura, Bárbara Muñoz, Eduardo García, Chema Rodríguez, Oscar Salcedo, José Corbacho, Josele Román, Benito Pocino, Daniel Cho, Enrique Villén, Tomás Pozzi, Josu Ormaetxe, Lucía Moreno, Paco Hidalgo, Paco Catalá, Raúl Teba, Akihiko Serikawa, Pablo Pinedo, Juan Carlos Nieto, Lolo Martín, Chuen Lam, Juan Khun, Nacho Vigalondo, Santi Senso, Antonio de la Torre, Christian Nájera, Velilla Valbuena, Emilio Laguna, Cristina Fungueiriño, Kristina Yvanova, María Iglesias, Adrián Corbacho, Gema Álvaro, Paloma Ruiz de Alba, Erika Quintana, Sara del Pino, Patricia López, Karen Bonilla, Patricia Montero, Rubén Nsue, Àlex Santaló, Andy Castaño, Carolina Sánchez, Susana Marca, Paula Delgado, Susana Cerro, Estefanía Romero, Vanesa Blue, Ana Porter, Gala Robles, Skizzo Arnedillo, Vanesa Baldonado, Hector Lechon, Paloma Ruiz de Alda


Óscar Aibar, Óscar Aibar, Jimina Sabadú, Santiago Segura, Tadeo Villalba Jr., Juan Carlos Caro, María Luisa Gutiérrez, Javier Navarrete, María Luisa Gutiérrez, Teo Delgado, Fernando Pardo, Pep Armengol

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