Tommy Godwin: The Hardest Year (2023)
Title: Tommy Godwin: The Hardest Year
Release Date: 2023-05-09
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 46 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Tommy Godwin: The Hardest Year full movie for free. Released in 2023, Tommy Godwin: The Hardest Year movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In 1939, driven by a desire for fame and fortune English amateur Tommy Godwin cycled a world record 75,065 miles in one year setting out from home each day through bitter winters and the blackouts of World War Two. He became the fastest person to cycle 100,000 miles in just 500 days. After this epic feat of endurance, Tommy had to learn to walk again and uncurl his hands! The madcap record has only been attempted by a handful of determined souls and Tommy’s record stood for 76 years making it one of the greatest, but also most overlooked sporting achievements. Ultra endurance athlete and round the world cycling record holder Mark Beaumont is on a mission to shine a light on Tommy’s ride. He delves deeper into Tommy’s story and finds out if he has the physical and mental stamina to take on Godwin’s record.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Tommy Godwin: The Hardest Year a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Mark Beaumont
David Warby, Dominic Aston, Emma Rimmer, Simon Richardson, Mia Walter, Simon Wear, Hugh Farrow, Hugh Farrow, Annie Wareham, Sam Dansie, Mike Rees, Tom Grundy
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great britain, endurance, world record, cycling, 1930s