The Middle of the World (1974)
Title: The Middle of the World
Release Date: 1974-09-11
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 115 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Middle of the World full movie for free. Released in 1974, The Middle of the World movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Paul is married, a successful engineer, and a conservative candidate in an upcoming local election. He falls in love with Adriana, a café waitress from Italy. Paul's party is very critical of foreign labour and wants to keep Switzerland to the Swiss. Where Paul falls deeper and deeper into the relationship and is ready to leave his wife, Adriana feels the social pressure growing and has to make her own decision.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Middle of the World a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Olimpia Carlisi, Philippe Léotard, Juliet Berto, Denise Péron, Jacques Denis, Roger Jendly, Gilbert Bahon, Lise Lachenal, André Schmidt, Gérard Despierre, Roland Amstutz, Pierre Walker, Paul Pasquier, Adrien Nicati, Pierre Ruegg, Alain Chevallier, Robert Guillon, Arthur Grosjean, Hugues Kastner
Alain Tanner, Alain Tanner, John Berger, Yves Gasser, Renato Berta, Brigitte Sousselier, Serge Etter, Robert Boner, Marc Blavet, Pierre Gamet, Peter Begert, Patrick Moraz, Alain Tanner, Alain Tanner
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